Assessment Examination

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In the game Assessment examination you will be interviewed to get a job. Your character doesn’t quite remember how he found out about this place, but he needs to get a good job and this seems just right. But started a conversation with the management, he realizes that something wrong is going on in the company. Already in the process of interviewing you are faced with many mysteries and riddles. You are not told a lot of things, but you cannot ask and clarify, because they are interviewing you, not you.

How the gameplay takes place

In the game, the developers have tried to fully recreate the tests that take place during a job interview. The whole game you sit behind the monitor screen. At first, the character is asked quite ordinary questions that can be when hiring for any job. After a while you are shown a picture of the management, but it has faces hidden on it. You answer questions about why you want to get a job here, whether you have work experience and so on. But after a while you start being asked about something completely different, fear, death, god, relatives. You have to look through the pictures and find answers to the set tasks. The game belongs to the horror genre. The feeling of fear is achieved due to a special atmosphere, which is gradually blown up by the design, happening on the screen, appearing interference and other things. Your goal is to sit through the end of the interview, as it turns out to be quite difficult. With each new round of questions you will find it harder to leave the place.

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