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Backrooms was a successful combination of an Internet legend and a game in the horror genre. According to virtual legends, somewhere outside our world there is a place with endless labyrinths of rooms. They are completely identical, connected by monotonous corridors and have identical decorations. These are endless office spaces in which one can easily get lost and stay forever. They are inhabited by many otherworldly creatures, so people who got there almost never return.

Game’s plot

Your protagonist one day finds himself in one of these places. He is alone in the middle of deserted rooms and does not know where to go. The view in the game is presented from the first person. You can go in three-dimensional space in any direction. If initially everything will really seem uninhabited and deserted, then soon you will realize that there is someone near you. And these beings are invisible, although you can hear them. You need to look for a way out, so that at the same time do not get caught by the approaching monsters, as collisions with them often ends in death.

How to pass the game?

You are given a certain amount of time during which you must last. You can not stay in place, as the monsters see you and will hunt. You also need to carefully lay the route, while orienting yourself to the surrounding sounds. All noises can speak of approaching danger. You need to determine the direction from where they are emitted and move back. The less time is left, the more danger. The character can run, but this wastes the stamina scale.

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