Piggy Escape from the Pig

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The game Piggy escape from the pig belongs to the genre of horror games, in which the main part of the gameplay is based on the survival of the character. You are practically defenseless in the face of danger, but you can move quickly and hide. In the story, you find yourself in the house of a big pig and you need to get out of it. The main door is locked, and to get out of the house you need to find the key. This is not an easy task, as you will need to solve a number of quests and puzzles, and at the same time you should not get caught by the big pig with a knife, which will kill you at the first encounter.

How to play?

The control here is done in the same way as in other horror games. The character can move around the house, open doors, furniture, take items, etc. also the hero can jump to overcome obstacles faster. This is especially important during the chase, as the enemy easily passes through walls and other obstacles, so you need to get the appropriate advantage. Having appeared at the starting location, you should immediately start exploring the house. The key and additional items can be located anywhere. The faster you find everything you need, the less chance that the pig will catch up with you and slaughter you. If you hear an enemy approaching, you should hide or try to move to another place to avoid a collision. The game creates a spacious house with many rooms. Methodical study of the location will quickly come to the desired result. Due to the high complexity, it may not work the first time, so you need to use unique tactics.

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